
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2021

FOX NEWS: Candace Owens says pushing vaccines on children appears 'evil and sinister'

Candace Owens says pushing vaccines on children appears 'evil and sinister' 'Candace' host reacts to Democrats incentivizing vaccines for children and Kanye West's comments about abortion on 'Fox News Primetime.' via FOX NEWS

Attempt by J&J to halt lawsuit claiming that its talcum powder can cause potentially-deadly disease

The U.S. Supreme Court has denied J&J a bid to block a Mississippi lawsuit alleging the company did not do enough to inform consumers about the risks in using its talc-based baby powder. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron variant now makes up more than one in 10 new COVID cases in New York and New Jersey

The Omicron variant is currently causing about 13% of new COVID-19 cases in New York and New Jersey, according to new data from the CDC. Nationwide, the variant is causing 3% of new cases. from Health News | Mail Online

The 100 year old gout drug that can stop heart attacks 

Major trials are now under way to test the part inflammation plays in heart disease, though this is not a risk that many people are aware of. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron-hotspot London's Covid wave is now seeing infection rates soar in ALL over-15s

EXCLUSIVE: Department of Health data shows London is now seeing just as many cases as last January, when it was battered by the Alpha variant. Cases are rising in elderly people now too. from Health News | Mail Online

Is THIS why Omicron is spreading so rapidly?

Researchers at the University of Hong Kong combined lung tissue with the original Covid strain, Delta and Omicron to compare the infections they trigger. from Health News | Mail Online

Thousands of hospitalised Covid patients are still struggling a year on

A University of Leicester-led team of experts examined over 2,000 adults who were admitted to hospital with severe Covid during the first year of the pandemic. from Health News | Mail Online

Chris Whitty calls for 'caution' over promising Covid hospitalisation data in South Africa

Professor Chris Whitty told a Downing Street press briefing this afternoon that lower hospitalisations seen in South Africa this wave would be expected, because its population have greater immunity. from Health News | Mail Online

NHS is urged to stop counting thousands of Covid 'patients' in official data as critics say the QUA

Health service statistics show there were 5,697 beds taken up by people who had tested positive for the virus on December 7, the latest date available. But 1,483 were being treated for something else. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid-19 UK: Wuhan lab leak 'now the most likely origin of Covid', MPs told

Dr Alina Chan, a specialist in cell engineering at Harvard and MIT, said said the idea that the virus may have been genetically engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is 'reasonable'. from Health News | Mail Online

UKHSA boss admits agency WASN'T consulted on vaccine passports

Dr Susan Hopkins (pictured), the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) chief medical adviser, refused to confirm being consulted on the scheme nine times in a grilling with MPs today. from Health News | Mail Online

More than a MILLION Britons will be isolating on Xmas Day after catching Covid 

England's chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty warned the Cabinet during an update on Tuesday that the new Covid variant was spreading 'unbelievably fast'. from Health News | Mail Online

Having Covid in past six months leaves you 'relatively well protected' from Omicron, top expert says

Britons who caught Covid in the last six months should be 'relatively well protected' from Omicron the expert who runs the UK's largest Covid symptom-tracking study has said as cases rise. from Health News | Mail Online

Worried Whitty tells people to pick the events they attend 'carefully'

A record 78,610 people tested positive in the past 24 hours, eclipsing the previous highest count by more than 10,000 - when 68,053 were recorded on January 8 at the peak of the second wave. from Health News | Mail Online

Government to DOUBLE capacity for number of Covid tests to 900,0000

The UK's Health Security Agency (UKHSA) announced it had struck a deal with the postal service to ramp up testing kit deliveries to 900,000 a day. from Health News | Mail Online

UK is urged to speed up approval of Pfizer's 'stunning' at-home Covid pill

Findings from Pfizer's trial of 2,200 adults showed those most at-risk from the virus who took Paxlovid within a few days of Covid symptoms were 89 per cent less likely to need hospital treatment or die. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid South Africa: Omicron infections FALL in Gauteng province despite huge testing increase

South Africa's weekly Covid surveillance report this morning revealed that cases fell in the epicentre of Gauteng province last week, in an early sign that the variant has peaked within a month. from Health News | Mail Online

Sajid Javid accused of scare-mongering for 'wild' claim 200k Britons are catching Omicron each day

Experts have cast doubt over gloomy predictions that 200,000 Britons are catching Omicron everyday with Sajid Javid and health officials accused of blatant scare over the modelling. from Health News | Mail Online

Two Covid jabs DON'T raise risk of myocarditis in English youngsters, real-world data shows

Researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford found there were no cases myocarditis per million second doses of either Pfizer or AstraZeneca's Covid vaccines. from Health News | Mail Online

Good news at last! Omicron hospitalisations in South Africa are a THIRD of Delta level

Officials who analysed 78,000 Omicron cases in South Africa estimated t he risk of hospitalisation was significantly lower than in all previous waves, which lends weight to theory Omicron is milder. from Health News | Mail Online

Risk of DUAL infection from Omicron and Delta could create a new super-mutant variant

Dr Paul Burton, its chief medical officer, said he expected the two strains to co-exist for some time. This raised the risk of them infecting the same cell, and possibly swapping genes. from Health News | Mail Online

NHS in crisis mode as it orders hospitals to empty 'as many patients as possible'

In a letter to healthcare providers published late last night, NHS England said all patients in hospital beds should be discharged if it is safe to do so. Hotels and care homes will be used for care instead. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron becomes DOMINANT in London as data shows city's hospital admissions are surging

Professor Kevin Fenton, London's director of public health, said data suggested Omicron was already behind at least one in every two new infections in the city, up from 44% just yesterday. from Health News | Mail Online

DR. ANGELIQUE COETZEE: I alerted the wider world to Omicron - and I believe Britain is overreacting

DR. ANGELIQUE COETZEE: With predictions of one million cases by the end of the month, I gather there is talk of Christmas being cancelled and a possible New Year lockdown. from Health News | Mail Online

Labour tears apart lateral flow testing shambles after Government RAN OUT of Covid swabs

Tens of thousands of Britons trying to get their hands on home testing kits are being told 'no more' are available. Many pharmacies, town halls and sports clubs have also run out of the swabs. from Health News | Mail Online

Just seven in 10 eligible women had smear tests last year

In the year up to March 2021, just seven in 10 eligible women in England were screened for abnormalities in their cervix that can lead to cancer, dropping two per cent on the previous year. from Health News | Mail Online

Now Dominic Raab claims 250 Britons have been hospitalised with Omicron

Experts told MailOnline more information is needed on the fatality, as otherwise the Government 'is placing further strain on people's trust in their judgements, which is already pretty thin'. from Health News | Mail Online

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Clever tricks to help you lose weight at Christmas

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: The winter months are when we put on the most weight (typically 1-2lb) as we huddle indoors eating comfort foods. We then spend the next few months trying to shed the extra fat. from Health News | Mail Online

GPs on video calls miss vital clues and struggle to build relationships with patients, study finds 

A team led by King's College London reviewed 77 research papers from five countries, including the UK, looking at mental health care provided by phone and video calls in the pandemic. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid booster shots could reduce a fully vaccinated person's risk of death 90%, study finds 

Researchers at Clalit Health in Israel found that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot can reduce a fully vaccinated person's risk of death from the virus by 90 percent. from Health News | Mail Online

Fauci says its a matter of 'when, not if' the definition of 'fully vaccinated' will require booster

Dr Anthony Fauci says that the definition of 'fully vaccinated' may soon only include people who have received their booster shots, and that a fourth dose may soon be needed. from Health News | Mail Online

People with OCD could have brains zapped to stop obsessive compulsion as it happens 

Around one in 50 people suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) during their lives, and there are more than a million people with the condition in the UK. from Health News | Mail Online

FDA expands authorization for Pfizer COVID-19 booster to include Americans aged 16 or 17

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine booster shots in the wake of new data showing the Omicron variant can bypass protection provided by the first two doses. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron-hotspot London is suffering the FASTEST growth in cases of all England's regions

Every borough in the capital is seeing an uptick in Covid infections, and each has already detected at least one suspected case of Omicron. But hospitalisations and deaths remain static. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid-19 UK: NHS booking site won't let some eligible over-40s book boosters until Christmas Eve

People in their 40s have been left unable to secure a vital Covid booster vaccine dose via the NHS website for at least another two weeks. The rollout was extended to the age group yesterday. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid cases may be reaching a peak in Omicron epicentre in South Africa, expert claims

Professor Christina Pagel, a mathematician at University College London, said infections in Guateng have dipped below the 25 per cent daily growth rate that had been seen since November 15. from Health News | Mail Online

Booster drive chaos as over-40s say they're being TURNED AWAY at clinics

The beleaguered booster drive was dealt a fresh blow today as over 40s which were only yesterday urged to come forward for their booster were turned away by staff contrary to official NHS guidance. from Health News | Mail Online

Health chiefs name England's Omicron hotspots as West Northamptonshire tops the charts

West Northamptonshire is at the centre of England's Covid outbreak, official figures reveal today. But eight of ten areas with the most cases are in London. from Health News | Mail Online

UK faces calls to follow US and approve AstraZeneca's Covid antibody drug

Antibody drug Evusheld, which was found to cuts the risk of falling ill with Covid by more than 80 per cent, has received emergency approval in the US for the immunocompromised. from Health News | Mail Online

SAGE scientists warn Plan B WON'T solve Omicron crisis in hint 'Christmas lite' may be needed

Boris Johnson activated England's coronavirus contingency plan last night in response to the highly-mutated variant after being warned it would overwhelm the NHS if left to spread unchecked. from Health News | Mail Online

NHS backlog for routine treatment hits 6MILLION:

NHS England data shows 5.98million people were waiting for routine surgery, such as hip and knee replacements, including more than 300,000 who had waited for more than a year. from Health News | Mail Online

Number of Britons falling ill with Covid rises by just 4% in a week

King's College London scientists estimated 83,658 people were catching the virus on any given day over the week to December 4, up slightly from 80,483 previously. from Health News | Mail Online

South Africa's Covid cases hit highest level in five MONTHS

The country's National Institute for Communicable Diseases recorded another 19,842 infections over the past 24 hours, more than double the tally from last Wednesday. from Health News | Mail Online

Over-40s mock NHS booster booking system and say they CAN'T arrange top-up jabs despite launch today

Some over 40s in the UK have been knocked back from the NHS Covid booster booking system despite officials urging eligible Britons to come forward and book their jab to help ward off Omicron. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid-19 UK: Just a FIFTH of over-50s in inner-city areas have had a booster vaccine

EXCLUSIVE: Just 21 per cent of over-50s in Sparkhill North, Birmingham, received a third jab by November 28, with thirteen other areas jabbing less than a quarter. from Health News | Mail Online

Now scientists spot ANOTHER type of Omicron

A new 'sister' lineage of Omicron has been discovered in Australia, with cases also found in South Africa and Canada. Officials say the new type is not as easy to detect as the original Omicron. from Health News | Mail Online

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio says health experts WANT his sweeping vaccine mandates

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York City, is standing by his sweeping vaccine mandates announced Monday, even saying in an interview with CNN that he believes it will protect businesses. from Health News | Mail Online

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides FORTY times less antibodies to fight Omicron than other variants

Researchers at AHRI found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine have less available antibodies to prevent infection from the Omicron variant as they have other variants. from Health News | Mail Online

Growth in use of at home tests in the US is leading to many cases going unreported

As at home COVID-19 tests become increasingly popular in the US, results from these tests often aren't reported to public health officials, leading to blind spots in tracking and contact tracing. from Health News | Mail Online

60% of Americans are fully vaccinated

As of Monday, 60% of Americans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to CDC data. This includes 70% of Americans age 12 and up, 72% of adults, and 87% of seniors. from Health News | Mail Online

US Surgeon General warns about a youth mental health crisis in the wake of COVID-19

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has issued a public health advisory focused on mental health among children, teens, and young adults during COVID-19. The pandemic worsened a worrying trend into a crisis. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid cases in South Africa TRIPLE in a week, official figures show

South Africa's National Institute For Communicable Diseases reported another 13,147 cases in the last 24 hours, up 200 per cent on the figure last Tuesday. from Health News | Mail Online

Cases of anorexia among teens aged 13 to 16 jumped 65% during first wave of pandemic, study finds 

Researchers from McGill University found that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a surge in the amount of people suffering from anorexia during Covid's first wave. from Health News | Mail Online

Why so much of what you see on the weighing scales is down to things you can't diet away

The truth is that more than half of your body weight is unrelated to anything you may have eaten. It is actually the weight of parts of your body - from your heart to your muscles and even blood. from Health News | Mail Online

DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

DR MARTIN SCURR: A healthy testosterone level is 10 nmol/l to 30 nmol/l (nanomoles of testosterone per litre of blood). from Health News | Mail Online

DR JONATHAN DARROW: Why every drug should be labelled to say how well it actually works 

DR JONATHAN DARROW: Adopting this approach is perfectly possible, and yet few medicines give clear, tangible guidance on how well they worked in clinical trials. from Health News | Mail Online

Prozac could treat eye condition that affects half a million people, analysis suggests 

Animal research by the same team of scientists who analysed the data also found that the drug - which costs £2 a pill - slows down the rate at which age-related macular degeneration progresses. from Health News | Mail Online

Everyone froze when Chris, 47, began choking. Would you have known how to save his life?

The sun was shining, the poolside music playing and Rachel Humphrey, her husband Chris and their three children were enjoying a longed-for holiday in Tenerife. from Health News | Mail Online

Couple whose unborn baby died following series of blunders get huge compensation payout

The out-of-court settlement - the largest for a stillbirth clinical negligence case in the UK - was agreed five years after Sarah and Jack Hawkins' daughter Harriet died. from Health News | Mail Online

Will there ever be a cure for chronic nausea?

Recent research found that a quarter of women affected by severe, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy suffered suicidal thoughts as a result. from Health News | Mail Online

Nigel Starmer-Smith's son describes the terrifying speed with which dementia stole his father away

CHARLIE STARMER-SMITH: Lockdown so steepened the slope down which Dad was slipping that by the time we could finally hug or hold his hand, any lucidity had all but gone. from Health News | Mail Online

Community transmission of Omicron is now happening in 'multiple regions of England'

Health Secretary Sajid Javid told MPs 'multiple regions of England' were seeing cases of the variant that were not linked to international travel. from Health News | Mail Online

Want to avoid a cold? Twiglets are a helpful source of zinc, research shows 

A research review published in the journal BMJ Open revealed that people with coughs, colds and flu-like symptoms felt better two days earlier when they took zinc supplements. from Health News | Mail Online

Christmas hopes boosted as study suggests '70% of Omicron has NOT mutated to evade vaccines'

The promising Italian study found that while the new strain has more than triple the micro mutations as Delta, there are still large swathes of the virus that remain vulnerable to the immune system. from Health News | Mail Online

Taking Viagra could cut your risk of developing Alzheimer's by up to 69%, study claims

A study of more than 7million Americans by the Cleveland Clinic found those taking sildenafil were nearly a third less likely to develop Alzheimer's than those not taking the medication. from Health News | Mail Online

Boris defends ban on arrivals from African countries

Boris Johnson defended the government's response to the emergence of the variant, saying the restrictions on states where it had been detected was 'decisive'. from Health News | Mail Online

Hundreds of nurses call on regulator to QUIT Stonewall diversity scheme

Nearly 500 nurses and midwives have signed a petition calling for the UK's nursing regulator to leave a scheme run by controversial charity Stonewall over concerns of women's safety. from Health News | Mail Online

Unvaccinated mum, 25, forced to have emergency C-section after catching Covid

Paige Bliss, 25, from Birmingham spent five days in intensive care after coronavirus put her in a critical condition as her foetus was taking all her nutrients and extra oxygen. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron wave could put as much pressure on hospitals as last winter even if it IS mild

British scientists, including SAGE, have warned against the narrative that Omicron is a weaker strain, claiming that it could put significant pressure on the NHS because it's so infectious. from Health News | Mail Online

Just 20% of children aged 12-15 have had their first Covid vaccine in parts of London

NHS England figures revealed that three times more children are jabbed in affluent parts of the country compared to central London boroughs. Labour said more needed to be done. from Health News | Mail Online

Travel testing RIP-OFF: 'Cowboy' firms offer 30p PCR tests

Changes to the travel rules have been announced by the UK Government over the past ten days all with only a few days' notice - leaving thousands of passengers at the mercy of testing firms. from Health News | Mail Online

Is the Omicron variant more dangerous than other Covid-19 strains?

The newly discovered Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus has caused panic across the globe, but is this fear justified? The Mail on Sunday has spoken to UK experts who are optimistic. from Health News | Mail Online

One in five women with heavy periods have hidden blood clotting disorder

Conditions that affect the blood's ability to clot affect roughly 43,000 women in the UK, yet only just over a third have been diagnosed, according to the latest figures. from Health News | Mail Online

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why I've banned an unjabbed friend from my festive party

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: I recently had to tell a friend, who has chosen not to get vaccinated, that he is no longer welcome to a small social gathering I've organised next week. from Health News | Mail Online

DR ELLIE CANNON: Why do I always feel such nausea when I wake up?

DR ELLIE CANNON: For most people, nausea is a transient symptom lasting only a few days. It is not usual to feel nauseated every morning and regularly. from Health News | Mail Online

Has Britain's first three-parent baby already been born?

While some argue the procedure meddles with nature, saying it creates designer babies, to the 15,000 or so British families who would benefit, there is no question that it offers enormous hope. from Health News | Mail Online

New pill can treat MS without causing intolerable stomach issues

Following authorisation from Britain's medicines watchdog, doctors hope the pill, diroximel fumarate - brand name Vumerity - could provide more sufferers the opportunity to control their condition. from Health News | Mail Online

HEALTH NOTES: Robot 'fish' could be used to deliver chemotherapy drugs directly into tumours

The robots, one-hundredth of a millimetre in size, were made my Chinese scientists using a special 3D printing technique, from a gel that changes shape when exposed to different pH levels. from Health News | Mail Online

More than 10% of pregnant women infected with HIV use marijuana - up from 7% in 2007, study finds 

A new study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine found that, in 2019, 11.7% of pregnant women with HIV used marijuana, up from the 7% who did so in 2007. from Health News | Mail Online

UK approves GSK's Covid antibody drug that slashes risk of death and hospitalisation

Sotrovimab, sold under the brand name Xevudy, cuts the risk of hospitalisation by 79 per cent among those at risk from the virus. But there are fears it may be less effective against Omicron. from Health News | Mail Online

More than 80,000 Brits fell ill with Covid every day last week as infections rose 5%

The ZOE symptom-tracking study estimated that 80,483 people in the UK fell ill per day in the week ending November 27, based on test results from around 650,000 volunteers. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid cases fell in EVERY age group in England last week and in all regions except London

UK Health Security Agency's weekly surveillance report showed that despite concerns about Omicron none of the councils where it has been detected are recording a sudden surge in cases. from Health News | Mail Online

Shocking graphic of Omicron's mutations reveals why scientists are worried

New shocking images display the extent of Omicron's divergent evolution, highlighting the 32 spike mutations that has prompted fear and concern from scientists and the UK government. from Health News | Mail Online

South Africa's Covid cases DOUBLE in a day as test positivity climbs to 16.5%

Data from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) in South Africa shows 8,561 new Covid cases were recorded in the last 24 hours, a jump of 95.8 per cent in a day. from Health News | Mail Online

WHO: Most Omicron cases are 'mild' or symptomless and existing vaccines should provide protection

A World Health Organization official said early evidence suggests most people who become infected with the strain, which may have emerged in Botswana, only suffer 'mild' symptoms. from Health News | Mail Online

UK's Covid outbreak rebounds as infections rise 11% in a week to 48,374

UKHSA data show Britain recorded 48,374 new cases over the last 24 hours, up 10.8 per cent on last week's total of 43,676. It was the first time the amount of positive tests increased last Friday. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron was in Britain BEFORE South Africa raised alarm

Omicron was in UK for at least four days prior to South Africa warning the world of the new variant with nine cases in Scotland traced back to before the UK introduced travel restrictions. from Health News | Mail Online

GPs' workload will be slashed to focus on 'new national mission' booster drive

England's GPs have a 'new national mission' to focus on delivering Covid booster vaccines to ward off Omicron Sajid Javid says. But there a fears face-to-face appointments will fall to the wayside. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid deaths fell by 7% last week with 952 victims, official figures show

Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show coronavirus fatalities fell from 1,020 in the week ending November 5 - the highest level since March - to 952 in the week ending November 19. from Health News | Mail Online

Omicron variant is 'at least 2.4x more likely to re-infect people'

Scientists from the Stellenbosch University, near Cape Town, said the findings suggest Omicron is able to evade protection people have from a previous infection, unlike the Beta and Delta strains. from Health News | Mail Online

UK's daily Covid cases jump 14% in a week to 53,945 but deaths fall 4% amid Omicron fears

UKHSA data shows there were 53,945 positive tests in the last 24 hours, up 14.2 per cent on the 47,240 recorded last Thursday. It was the second day in a row cases have increased. from Health News | Mail Online

New York records FIVE cases of COVID Omicron variant

Officials said on Thursday the newly confirmed Omicron cases consist of one individual in Suffolk County, two in Queens, one in Brooklyn, and one in an undisclosed New York City borough. from Health News | Mail Online

People with allergic conditions including hay fever and a runny nose have a lower risk of COVID-19  

A new study from Queen Mary University of London found that people with allergic conditions such as hay fever, rhinitis, atopic diseases and asthma had an up to 40% lower risk of COVID-19 infection. from Health News | Mail Online

Growing number of Americans say they have received large bills after getting 'free' Covid tests 

Some Americans are receiving bills for thousands of dollars after receiving COVID-19 tests that they believe are free. One expert blames America's confusing medical system. from Health News | Mail Online

Previous Covid infection does NOT protect against the Omicron variant as it did with Delta

Dr Anne Von Gottberg, a microbiologist from South Africa said on Thursday that the country is seeing a high rate of Omicron reinfections and it's higher than the rate for Delta reinfections. from Health News | Mail Online

Second US case of Omicron COVID-19 variant detected in Minnesota

Minnesota Department of Health confirmed the case on Thursday in a resident who had recently traveled to NYC. It comes a day after health officials in San Francisco confirmed the first U.S. Omicron case. from Health News | Mail Online

Experts say vaccine makers not sharing technology played a role in emergence of Omicron variant 

Some experts say Moderna not sharing its Covid vaccine has partly led to the emergence of variants such as the Omicron variant, which was recently detected by South African researchers. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid US: Unvaccinated people are driving Michigan's 'worst surge' ever

Michigan is experiencing its highest COVID-19 case numbers of the pandemic thus far, and the surge is driven by unvaccinated people. The state has the highest case rate in the US as of December 1. from Health News | Mail Online

Unvaccinated cancer patients 1.7 times as likely to contract Covid, 1.6 times higher risk of death

Researchers at the VA found that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing infection or death from the virus in cancer patients, even if the protection is not as strong as the general population. from Health News | Mail Online

Covid hospitalizations up 20% over the past month as the US prepares for holiday virus surge

Hospitalizations in the U.S. are growing in America. Last year, this time of the year preceded the biggest Covid surge to date. The holiday season, cold weather and the Omicron variant are contributors. from Health News | Mail Online