The daily coronavirus update: 25 more deaths; nearly 4,000 new cases

MinnPost provides updates on coronavirus in Minnesota Sunday through Friday. The information is published following a press phone call with members of the Walz administration or after the release of daily COVID-19 figures by the Minnesota Department of Health.

Here are the latest updates from November 5, 2020:

164,865 cases; 2,555 deaths

Twenty-five more Minnesotans have died of COVID-19, the Minnesota Department of Health said Thursday, for a total of 2,555.

Of the people whose deaths were announced Thursday, six were in their 70s,  nine were in their 80s and 10 were in their 90s. Seventeen of the 25 deaths announced Thursday were among residents of long-term care facilities.

MDH also said Thursday there have been 164,865 total cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota. The number of positives is up 3,952 from Wednesday’s count — one of several daily records set in the last week — and is based on 34,305 new tests. You can find the seven-day positive case average here.

The current caseload and death toll combines Minnesotans with positive PCR tests and positive antigen tests approved under a Food and Drug emergency authorization use. MDH added antigen tests to case counts on Oct. 14.

The most recent data available show 216 Minnesotans are hospitalized in intensive care with COVID-19, and 715 are in the hospital with COVID-19 not in intensive care. You can find more information about Minnesota’s current ICU usage and capacity here.

More information on cases can be found here.

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Around the web

MDH’s coronavirus website:

MDH’s phone line for COVID-19 questions, Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m: 651-297-1304

from Health | MinnPost


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