Telehealth hubs offer care options for people living on the edge the virtual world
At Catholic Charities Opportunity Center in downtown St. Paul, Senior Clinical Manager Stacie Joncas works with some of the people who’ve been hardest hit by the many crises that have befallen the Twin Cities over the last few months. “These are people who are really having a rough time right now,” she said. “With the murder of George Floyd, the riots and COVID, what we’re finding is a huge increase in mental health and substance use problems among our client population.” A day center for people experiencing homelessness and for members of other vulnerable communities, the Opportunity Center provides a safe place for people to spend time, eat a hot meal and get help with a variety of issues, including looking for a job, finding affordable housing and getting support for mental health and addiction concerns. When COVID-10 hit Minnesota this spring, most health care providers made the shift to telehealth as a way to safely see their patients without risk of spreading the virus. While...
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